Instant pearl powder

Імгненны жамчужны парашок

Almost white pwoder
Brightening and lightening the skin
Антивозрастные ўласцівасці
Ўвільгатненне і ўвільгатненне
1 кг / мяшок з фальгі; 25 кг / барабан

Ўкараненне прадукцыі

Instant Pearl Powder by Shaanxi Pioneer Co., Ltd. offers a premium quality solution for health and beauty industries looking to add an effective natural ingredient to their product formulations. Extracted through advanced hydrolysis technology from high-grade freshwater pearls, our pearl powder is finely processed for fast absorption, making it suitable for a wide range of applications from skincare to dietary supplements. Known for its rich amino acids, trace elements, and biocompatible calcium, Instant Pearl Powder supports skin rejuvenation, bone health, and overall vitality.

Даступнасць прадукту

спецыфікацыя дэталі
Найменне Instant Pearl Powder
Клас Cosmetic and Food Grade
ўпакоўка 1kg, 5kg, and 25kg options
Тэрмін прыдатнасці 24 месяцаў
захоўванне Прахалоднае, сухое месца, удалечыні ад прамых сонечных прамянёў

асноўныя характарыстыкі

  • высокую якасць: Pure and finely milled for quick dispersion.
  • высокая біодоступность: Optimized particle size for better absorption.
  • Багаты профіль харчавання: Contains essential amino acids, calcium, and trace minerals beneficial for health.
  • Універсальнае выкарыстанне: Ideal for skincare products, beauty supplements, and health foods.
  • Устойлівае паходжанне: Ethically harvested from select freshwater sources.


Наш Instant Pearl Powder is produced under strict quality standards to meet ISO9001, HALAL, KOSHER, and FDA qualifications. With advanced quality control systems, each batch undergoes rigorous testing to ensure purity and compliance with global regulatory standards.

Тэхнічныя характарыстыкі: Кантроль бяспекі прадукцыі

Safety and quality are our top priorities. Shaanxi Pioneer Co., Ltd. employs stringent testing for contaminants and heavy metals, as well as microbiological analysis, to guarantee a safe, unadulterated product. Our safety control processes include:

  • Мікробнае тэставанне: Ensures product purity and free from harmful bacteria.
  • Heavy Metal Screening: Tests for any traces of heavy metals, including lead and mercury.
  • Allergen Monitoring: Free from common allergens to enhance user safety.

Прымяненне прадукту

  • Касметычная прамысловасць: Perfect for facial masks, creams, lotions, and other topical applications to support skin hydration, smoothness, and brightness.
  • нутрицевтики: Formulated for use in dietary supplements promoting bone health and vitality.
  • харчовая прамысловасць: Can be blended in drinks and foods, adding a natural source of calcium and trace minerals.

абслугоўванне OEM

Our team offers comprehensive OEM services to help you bring your brand’s unique formulation to life. With customized packaging and branding options, we support B2B clients in developing tailor-made products that align with their market needs. From bulk packaging to private labeling, we provide flexible solutions.


  • ISO9001 – Сістэма менеджменту якасці
  • HALAL – Suitable for Halal applications
  • KOSHER – Certified Kosher
  • FDA – Food-grade compliance

Часта задаваныя пытанні

Q: What is the best way to store Instant Pearl Powder?
A: Захоўвайце яго ў прахалодным, сухім месцы, удалечыні ад прамых сонечных прамянёў, каб захаваць яго патэнцыю.

Q: Can Instant Pearl Powder be used for both cosmetic and food applications?
A: Yes, our Instant Pearl Powder is suitable for cosmetic formulations and food-grade applications.

Пытанне: Ці прапануеце вы варыянты аптовых закупак?
A: Yes, we provide flexible bulk packaging to meet your production requirements.


Па пытаннях звяртайцеся да нас па адрасе [рэалізацыя@pioneerbiotech.com]

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